

Image of JSU 图书馆 on 教师参议院 Web Page


教务委员会是一个审议机构,由各学术部门和一般人选出的代表组成.  The membership and function of the 教师参议院 are in accordance with its constitution.

The faculty shall have the authority to review, ratify, or reject any action of the 教师参议院.

Constitution of the 教师参议院 at 大阳城集团99aa


  1. The name of this organization is the 教师参议院 of 大阳城集团99aa.
  2. The purposes of this organization are:
    1. 就影响大学整体福利、教育目的及成效的事宜,代表大学全体教员担任正式代表.
    2. To consider proposals from students, 校友, 教学师资, academic departments and administrative units.
    3. 为大学校长提供谘询服务,考虑所有由大学校长转交的事宜.
    4. 作为一种工具,自由收集全校范围内感兴趣和关注的信息, disseminated and discussed by members of the faculty and students.
    5. To serve as a means of review and recommendation on other actions regarding professional ethics.
    6. To encourage the intellectual growth and development of faculty members.
    7. To promote the material well-being of the faculty members and students.
    8. To improve communications between the faculty and administration.
    9. To consider all matters of academic policy.
    10. To consider non-academic matters affecting the professional status and performance of the faculty.



  1. 教员的定义是所有达到讲师或以上学术级别的人员, 还有其他的人, who by virtue of a special assignments, may be designated as faculty members by the 副总统 for 学术事务, and the President of the University.
  2. The 教师参议院 shall consist of a representative from each academic discipline, 一份成员, and the immediate past president of the Senate.  所有大学人员, 拥有教职员工的身份, 可根据委员选举规则被选为教务委员会委员,但其百分之五十的职责是教学.
    1. 大学的每个学科将选举一名参议员在教务委员会中代表该学科.  除了, the 教师参议院 will have three faculty members elected at-large by the general faculty.
    2. 任何教员都有权作为观察员出席教员评议会的所有会议.  Upon recognition by the President, or signatures of at least 10% of faculty members or by a simple majority vote of the Senate, 根据第2条的规定,任何教员最多有7分钟的时间向参议院发表讲话, 一个节.
    3. By signed petition of at least 50% + 1 of faculty members, the general faculty shall have the power to rescind any recommendation by the 教师参议院.
    4. Any elected senator must have a minimum three (3) years of service at the University.



  1. The 教师参议院 shall have the following officers: President of the Senate, 副总统, 财务部长, 和国会议员.  Other officers may be established as they become necessary.
  2. 资格.  Any member of the 教师参议院, except for the office of the President and 副总统.  The President and 副总统 of the 教师参议院 must be tenured.
  3. The terms of office shall be for one year with the privilege of re-election.
  4. 官员的提名和选举应在每年4月的每届后续学院参议院的组织会议上进行.  The newly elected officers shall assume office in May.  An 特别的 由参议院五名成员组成的提名委员会应于二月编制候选人名单, present the slate in March and have the election in April.


Areas of Faculty and Student Participation

A.  Educational and Administrative Policies

Educational and Administrative Policies shall include admission standards, 课程内容, 学位要求, 评分标准, 登记手续, and standards for academic freedom.

B.  经济问题


C.  公共问题和机构


D.  Procedures for Faculty Representation


E.  物理工厂政策

物理计划政策应与教务委员会有关,这些政策将影响教师履行其职责和学生学习过程的表现.  It shall include the conditions of the buildings, 照明, 冷却, 加热, 清洁, 街道和停车场.



  1. There shall be an 执行委员会 of the 教师参议院 with the following duties:
    1. To plan the agenda for meetings of the 教师参议院.
    2. 指导教务委员会就执行委员会认为必要的事项采取行动, 并指示各委员会处理执行委员会认为有必要由教务委员会审议的事项.
    3. To recommend all committee appointments to be made by the 教师参议院.
    4. To recommend the formation and/or abolition of committees.
    5. To appoint a nominating committee each year.
    6. To supervise all elections involving faculty participation.
    7. To establish the calendar of regular meetings of the 教师参议院 each year.
    8. 建立程序,使教务委员会及其委员会和理事会的政策制定活动得以加快.
    9. To discharge such other duties as may be discharged to it by the 教师参议院.
  2. 执行委员会由教务委员会的官员和教务委员会的前任主席组成.
  3. The President of the 教师参议院 shall serve as Chairperson of the 执行委员会.



  1. The 执行委员会 shall prepare, 发布, 并在每次教务会议召开前至少三(3)天分发会议议程.
  2. 所有委员会将向执行委员会提交其建议,以便列入议程.
  3. 教务委员会可以, by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of those present and voting, 在没有研究该事项的委员会或执行委员会事先建议的情况下,将该事项提交参议院审议.
  4. 会议纪要通过后,政策建议需要出席并投票的人的简单多数投票才能成为教务委员会的正式建议.
  5. There shall be one meeting per month; special meetings may be called by the 执行委员会 or the President of the Senate.
  6. 罗伯特的议事规则 应规范教务委员会章程未涵盖的教务委员会的所有事务.
  7. 学院参议院会议的法定人数为学院参议院成员的50% + 1.
  8. 学院参议院主席有权召集全体教员会议



教职员参议院章程可以通过以下方式进行修改:(1)在教职员参议院例会上宣读并提交关于拟议修正案的书面声明, (2)在下次教务委员会定期会议上获得出席人员三分之二(2/3)票通过, and (3) approval by two thirds (2/3) faculty vote.




  1. 军官 shall be elected at the April meeting of the 教师参议院, 之后,, 每年四月.  Newly elected officers shall assume office immediately.
  2. When any election results in a tie, there shall be run-off election.
  3. 议事顺序.  At the meeting of the 教师参议院, the order of Business shall be as follows:
    1. The meeting shall be called to order by the Chairman.
    2. Minutes of the last meeting shall be read and approved, or amended.
    3. 未完成的业务.
    4. 各特别委员会的报告.
    5. 常设委员会报告.
    6. 新业务.
    7. 休会.
  4.   The By-Laws may be amended in the same way as the Constitution.



